Advanced Dental Technology - Westerville, OH

Truly Modern Dental Care

Close up of dental mirrors

Technology often moves forward in leaps and bounds, and it’s no different when it comes to dentistry. At Tzagournis Dental Group of Westerville, we are always keeping an eye on the latest available dental equipment. When we see an example of technology that could make our services better for our patients, we make sure to invest in it. We encourage you to learn a bit more about the advanced dental technology at our Westerville dental practice before you set up a visit to our office.

CEREC Same-Day Dental Crowns

Close up of CEREC dental technology in Westerville

At some practices, it can take at least two weeks to get a dental crown. Thanks to the CEREC system, you can get a lifelike, fully customized restoration in just a day. CEREC lets us capture scans of your smile that allow us to design a crown that looks natural and fits perfectly. Our in-house milling machine will then create your crown out of a block of tooth-colored material. Once the crown is ready, we can simply place it on your tooth. All in all, the process often takes around two hours.

3D Printer

3 D printer in Westerville dental office

Why turn to an outside dental lab when we can make what our patients need right here at our office? Our 3D printer allows us to create mouthguards, surgical guides, temporary dentures, and various other items that your smile might require. This way, if any adjustments are needed, we can simply take care of them ourselves instead of having to send the appliance back to the lab, thus making you wait longer. You will be able to enjoy quality care in a reasonable amount of time.

Digital Dental Impression System

Dentist taking digital impressions of teeth

You may already be familiar with traditional physical impressions, but nowadays more and more dentists are discovering the benefits of using digital scans of the teeth in order to design dentures, veneers, and crowns. The accuracy of the digital scans helps improve the chances that your prosthesis or restoration will fit properly the first time. Furthermore, digital impressions are less prone to error and don’t involve biting down on messy putty.

CBCT Scanner

Cone beam C T scanner against white wall

Thanks to our CBCT scanner, we can get a complete picture of your mouth and jaw. The device essentially combines a number of X-ray images into a single three-dimensional model that lets us examine various aspects of your dental anatomy in full detail. A CBCT scan can capture much more information than a traditional X-ray alone, which is vital when it comes to evaluating your oral health. It’s also often ideal for planning dental implant placement and other procedures where precision is of the utmost importance.

Intraoral Camera

Dental team member holding thin white intraoral camera

When you visit our office for a dental checkup, we can capture images of your teeth from a variety of angles thanks to our intraoral camera. This aids us in checking for cavities and other dental issues that might still be in their earliest stages. Additionally, images taken with an intraoral camera often help us communicate more clearly with our patients. If there’s a problem in your mouth, we can show you exactly what’s going on while explaining what treatments can help.

Digital Dental X-Rays

Dentist pointing to digital x rays of teeth on screen

A significant portion of your tooth structure is hidden beneath your gumline, where it can’t be easily examined with the eyes alone. With modern digital X-rays, we can check such hidden areas for tooth decay, infection, and other worrisome oral health issues. A digital X-ray does not take nearly as much time to develop as one that uses traditional film, and it can significantly reduce the amount of radiation that our patients and our team are exposed to by as much as 90%.