Sedation Dentist – Westerville, OH

Stay Relaxed in the Dental Chair

Fearful dental patient covering her mouth before sedation dentistry in Westerville

When you have some form of dental phobia or anxiety, even the idea of a regular dental checkup can fill you with stress and worry. However, you don’t have to let your dental fears control you; at Tzagournis Dental Group of Westerville, you can choose an appropriate form of dental sedation that can help you stay comfortable and at ease for the duration of your treatment. This can also be a great option for anyone who’s planning on having multiple procedures performed during one visit. Please reach out to us to see if sedation dentistry in Westerville could be a viable option in your case.

Why Choose Tzagournis Dental Group of Westerville for Sedation Dentistry?

  • Multiple Sedation Options in One Location
  • Experienced, Knowledgeable Dental Team
  • We Care About Making Dentistry Accessible

Oral Conscious Sedation

Man holding glass of water and pill

Based on the dosage used, oral conscious sedation can have a minimal to moderate effect. You will be prescribed a pill and given instructions on when to take it. The pill will put you in a state where you’ll still be conscious, but you’ll also be much more relaxed than normal. There’s a chance that you could doze off, but it will generally only take a gentle nudge to wake you up again. The effects of oral conscious sedation will linger after your appointment, so make sure that there’s someone who can drive you home afterward.

Nitrous Oxide Sedation

Man laying in dental chair with nitrous oxide mask over his nose

If you’re only a little anxious about having dental work performed, nitrous oxide sedation can be a convenient option. Part of the reason for that is that little prep work is required; all you need to do is make yourself comfortable in our dental chair and wait for us to administer the sedative through a mask placed over your nose. Another benefit is that nitrous oxide won’t throw off your regular schedule. The effects wear off quickly, and it should only take a few minutes to recover to the point where you can drive by yourself.

IV Sedation

Close up of I V drip

Do you have a very strong fear of dentistry? Or are you expecting your treatment to take a while? These are examples of situations where IV sedation may be appropriate. Not only will the sedative take effect quickly, but we can make any necessary changes to the level of sedation throughout your procedure. One common side effect of IV sedation is that you may not remember what happened during your treatment, which means you’ll be less likely to develop any new memories that could contribute to your dental anxiety.